Dramatic Change

I heard Brenda Salter McNeil convincingly speak at the Christian Community Health Fellowship Conference in May 2016. She also wrote a great book Road-map to Reconciliation 2015, IVP Books Downers Grove, IL which I bought. Her whole approach is on Reconciliation primarily between races but also where you have opposing ideas and practice between two groups. I…

Transformation Requires More Then Doing Things for People and Neighborhoods

For transformation to take place people and neighborhoods must decide they want something different than what they currently have. Then they must care enough that they are willing to do something about it to see the change take place. If that desire and action are not there then no matter what we do for others…


Humanities program has a huge influence on the groundwork education that your child learns throughout the first years of the High School… Be sure that our professional teachers will provide the ultimate quality for each single class that we have for this program. Currently our High School’s  Humanities program includes such classes as: English Grammar…


Science program has a huge influence on the groundwork education that your child learns throughout the first years of the High School… Be sure that our professional teachers will provide the ultimate quality for each single class that we have for this program. Currently our High School’s Science program includes such classes as: English Grammar…


Arts program has a huge influence on the groundwork education that your child learns throughout the first years of the High School… Be sure that our professional teachers will provide the ultimate quality for each single class that we have for this program. Currently our High School’s Arts program includes such classes as: English Grammar…


Literacy program has a huge influence on the groundwork education that your child learns throughout the first years of the High School… Be sure that our professional teachers will provide the ultimate quality for each single class that we have for this program. Currently our High School’s Literacy program includes such classes as: English Grammar…

Afterschool Activities

Afterschool Activities program has a huge influence on the groundwork education that your child learns throughout the first years of the High School… Be sure that our professional teachers will provide the ultimate quality for each single class that we have for this program. Currently our High School’s Afterschool Activities program includes such classes as:…