Why It important to Look for Transformation

  • so we can see how God is working and to what degree and in what areas of individual and neighborhood life.
  • It  allows room for God to act.
  • To better manage programs
  • Motivation for leaders of transformation, committee members and people doing the work.
  • Helps committee supervise the workers and direct the project.
  • Is motivation for all stakeholders and neighborhood people.
  • Demonstrates accountability
  • Evaluate progress of different elements in the program.
  • Others can see the validity of the program.
  • To satisfy donor/investor requirements
  • To raise public awareness of the issues being addressed
  • To find areas where transformation is not taking place.
  • Identifies needs and interests in the neighborhood which are not being met.
  • To demonstrate effectiveness of the program.
  • It informs others of good practices that could be used elsewhere.
  • Helps looking for outside resources as the reports validity requests

Questions that Might be Asked So That We Can Look for Transformation

  • What would the neighborhood look like where people lived the Golden Rule?
  • What would the neighborhood look like where everyone could read?
  • What would the neighborhood look like if every student graduated high-school?
  • What would the neighborhood look like in regard to crime, abuse, and violence?
  • What would the neighborhood look like if every orphan had a mentor?
  • What would the neighborhood look like if the weak were empowered?
  • What would the neighborhood look like if God’s Kingdom were operative?
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